Clean Tanks


New Member
I was just looking through the pics on this forum and wondering how everybody's tanks are so clean and free of algae. You know who you are. I have had hair algae and brown algae forever. Water changes all the time with RO/DI and parameters are good. Just kind of wondering what everybody's cleaning schedule is(other than W/C).


Active Member
If you're talking about the glass... I keep the front and side glass clean with one of those magnet cleaners. I let the back glass get covered with coraline. I let the clean up crew take care of the rock and sand.


Active Member
Umm... maybe every other day... but if I see something dirty I don't mind cleaning it. I'm kind of a clean freak to begin with. So you can imagine the adjustment I had to make with the saltwater tank.
Of course, I made this same adjustment with my kids too.


Active Member
bout every week I actually spend the 5 minutes to really clean. Otherwise I just hit spots here or there. Usually more flow slows down the algea growth. JMO


Active Member
i wipe my glass every two or three days with a magfloat...they work great...i only clean my front glass...the back and sides of my tank are pink and purple with coraline....


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
bout every week I actually spend the 5 minutes to really clean. Otherwise I just hit spots here or there. Usually more flow slows down the algea growth. JMO

i agree, and so does tank age...JMO


Active Member
I live by the credo of "If its not broke"..If things are looking good, just a little cleaning and fresh water...


Active Member
Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Of course, I made this same adjustment with my kids too.
Isn't that the truth!
Well, my tank is not that old, so I probably can't say "how" yet. But I'm pretty picky and people are always commenting how clean my freshwater tank is. So far with my saltwater tank I just use the mag-float and added a good clean up crew, they are doing a great job.