Clean up crew for 60g



I only have 1 good sized yellow tang and 1 3-3 1/2 in. clown fish. I currently have 2 scarlet hermit crabs, a large zebra snail, and a sally lightfoot crab. Am I understocked on my crew? Any other suggestions? I was thinking about adding the mexican turbo snails to help eat my red algae. How about urchins or additional crabs?


Here's my suggestion for you:
1 Fighting Conch
3 Emerald Crabs
10 Nassarius Snails
20 Cerith Snails
20 Blue Leg or Scarlett Hermit Crabs (which ever you can afford)
5 Mexican Turbos
1 Black Spine Urchin
5 Peppermint Shrimp
Be aware that your Sally Lightfoot Crab will probably be aggressive towards his tank mates when it gets larger.


How big do the Sally Lightfoot crabs get? The one I have is probably 2-3 in. in diameter including his legs. When you say agressive to his tankmates are you talking fish or inverts? Thanks!


Active Member
i have heard many poeple say they're sally light foot crabs have eaten they're fish, i would get rid of him
DUKE13 has a good list of a clean up crew but go with the red scarlet reef hermits dont get the blue legged hermits they will kill snails and each other


Active Member
I have never heard of such a thing on the sally light foot crabs. I do know that if you feed them meat they will becom omnivors and search for left over meat. "they are vegitarians by nature"


Active Member
If you do get the blue leg hermits I suggest getting the "true" dwarf ones. I got mine and there smaller than my snails "there all around 1/4 of an inch or less. They only get to 1inch long so once your snails grow up they wont be able to take over there shells.