Clean up crew for a 55???


I have a 55 gal tank about 2 months old. I currently have 2 mexican turbo snails, and 2 scarlet hermitt crabs. Starting to get an algea bloom. I think part of this could have to do with my protien skimmer going down for about 4 days when I was gone. Anyways I would like this algea bloom to be minute. What would you guys out there reccomend for a clean up crew for a 55 gal reef tank.


Active Member
I have a 46 gallon with 20 blue leg hermits, 10 turbo/astrea, snails 5 nassarius snails, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 feather duster, 1 emerald thinking about adding 5-10 more nassarius and 1 more emerald. They are doing a great job right now.


Active Member
I would add a few more snails. Go for different types too.....not just the Turbos. I have 5 different types of snails in my reef. They attack the algae at different areas. Having nassarius to stir up the sand helps too. You should only need 5-8 for a 55 gal else they will really have to compete for food and some will starve and die.....under the sand. When they rot, your water goes bad fast and you won't know why because you won't see them.
Clean up crews really only solve the symptom of what you have, not the cause. Do a 10% water change every 3-4 days for about 2 weeks and you will see the bloom go way down. Then get the new cleanup crews to keep it that way.