Clean Up Crew For Agressive Tank


Active Member
Howdy Folks....I have an agressive tank and I am trying to indentify something that can clean the sand bottom that my Niger Trigger and Grouper will not eat. I have been in the hobby for years and have recently tried to add some crabs, no avail.
If you have had luck with keeping a clean up crew with an agressinve tank please share.


Active Member
Nope... crabs won't work, unfortunately. It's not gonna happen with a grouper. You could try some mexican turbo snails though. My puffer seems to leave them alone because they have a protective shell inside as well.


i got a sand sifting star and my trgger doesn't bother it at all myabe one of those could help i see mine all over the tank on top the bed or below it with his arms sticking out
my puffers dont seem to bother the two cucumbers I put in... Ive also had luck with large hermits, but Im not sure how the trigger will do with those.


i got a few mega hermits and my trigger hasn't gone for them yet maybe too big they are a little bit bigger then golf balls