Clean up Crew in aggressive tank


Hey guys,
I need help. What kind of clean up crew do you put in an aggresive fish only tank.
I have flagfin angel, volitan lion, snowflake eel, panther grouper, porcupine puffer and six bar angel.
I have Deep sand bed with mixture of live sand and south down.
What can i put in there as a clean up that no one will eat as an appetizer?
I was thinking to putting a chocolate chip star and a nice silver dollar size snails, but are these clean up crew or just algae eaters. and will they be ok with my fish being in there.


I wouldn't put your CC star in there, but if you can find some large hermits they should be ok. I have two large about 4'' red legs in mine w/ a lion, and a porky and trigger and so far so good.


Sorry snails are probably out of the question. Most invertibrates are the puffers natural favorite when it comes to snacks. They have those big teeth to crush though shells on inverts such as snails and sometimes even hermits.