clean up crew in agressive


i tried to put a brittle star in the clean up all the poop from my puffer, lion and trigger and he wasnt in the tank for 2 minutes and the puffer had eaton through the bag and the star was missing a leg already. so what can i put in the tank to help clean up.
i have samll damsel living with a niger and two huma humas and it does all that ang gets along fine. its bin their for a year


Active Member
Going to depend a lot on the personality of your fish. Make sure they are well fed before you try to add anything. When I added my puffer, he ate all the sails in the tank, but didn't touch any of the hermits... perhaps you could try some larger hermits?
Why type of trigger/puffer do you have?


Active Member
Most cleaners normally wont last long with aggressive fish. You might want to look into a UV sterilizer if you dont have one already.


yea my triggers knock the snails off the glass then suck em out of there shells. the only thing that's working for me is a couple of small scooter blennys that seem to move too fast for them to catch.


Well I had 3 large hermits but the medium size one was ate by the porky I suspect. I gave the largest away and am now down to the smallest which hides under a rock. So I thought these were the best bet for clean up but I was wrong.


The chocolate chip star will make it ok......have had one in my tank for 4 months with eels and lions and puffer.
u see thats the thing about angels,triggers and puffers, well puffers arent that6 bad, you cant really put any invert in there, thats why i took my angel and trigger out, they killed my bluespotted stingray, now i can have clams ananomes, and other stuff like that.