Clean Up Crew Part II

I have an algae overgrowth starting to get bad in my tank. I want to order a clean up crew. Any suggestions as to what creatures i should order.
My creatures include 2 percula, Pink Hatian Tip Anemone, a coral banded shrimp and a sally lightfoot.
Bare in mind, i only have a 10 gallon tank
I don't want to overstock my tank.
Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated.
What type of substrate do you have? CC? Sand?
Maybe try a few Cerith and/or Nassarius snails. They are good alage eaters but are best in sand substrate. I thought I read somewhere that CBS may go after snails?!?!?
I have sand as a substrate. That sand, coral stuff that takes forever to rinse the freaking dust off of them. I noticed that CBS are little

...the site never mentions anything about CBS going after snails..which i suppose would make sense if they get "meaty" food
I wanted to order 2 Mexican Turbo Snails,
5 Nassarius Snails
2 cleaner wrasses (for the fish :) )
But i fear over stocking my 10 gallon


do not buy a cleaner wrasse, very difficult to keep and if you don't have a parasite on your fish they will probably starve to death. get some turbos or mexicans and keep up with your water changes and the algae will go away.
also, how old is the tank and what kind of water do you use ie: tap, ro, ro/di, distilled?
I've got red algae growing..its kind of like a rusty color.
My tank is maybe 3 weeks old. I started out using tap water and adding salt, but being that i'm on Long Island, bays and oceans are accessible so i've started getting bay water for my tank so i can get benefiical microfauna for the tank.
Thanks for the heads up on the cleaner wrasses


Active Member
hmm bay water....not a good idea, especially in long island. Now if you went 3 or four miles off shore then thats a different story. There are so many contaminants in the bay its not even funny.
i'll get beach water perhaps for the next friend is a naturalist and went to school for marine bio and he suggested it to me...i've done bay water twice and have not encountered any problems....


Active Member
IMO its a bad idea. The beaches of the world are a natural recycling bin. All the crap that washes ashore is absorbed by the shallow water sand.
what is ro or ro/di?
How bout the waters off of jettis? They are still pretty deep being that boats go through the inlet. In addition, they have lots of wave action. I don't have a boat to go a few miles out in the ocean, and trust me, i'd rather get that water than beach water.


Active Member
what is a jetti? im not from an area with a large body of water. Ro/ DI water is reverse osmosis / de-ionized water. Best water money can buy. Most people get a reverse osmosis unit and make their own.
The southern coast of long island (the ocean side) has an erosion problem being that our ocean current runs from montauk point (the east) towards new jersey (west). Its so bad that most of the sand in montauk has created parts of fire island which is further west from montauk.
Anyhow, these jetties are lhuge rock piles put into the water to prevent this sand erosion. People like to fish off of these structures.
I have a friend who works for this website cos he went to southampton college here on long island to study marine bio. He suggest that i get water from the jettis.


also remember any water you take from the ocean might have parasites and you would then introduce them into your tank.
i agree with the above said its not worth it. also because your tank is so new the cyano you are getting is normal. mostly because of tap water that you are using. give it time let your tank mature and i would definatley consider getting a ro/di unit. this site has some and there are other sites on the web where you can find them rather affordable. hth