clean up crew question?


i was wondering what a good crew would be for a 46 g with 70lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of live sand, my cycle is done now and i need to figure this out. is it better to buy a package deal or buy individuals? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by tylerfear
i was wondering what a good crew would be for a 46 g with 70lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of live sand, my cycle is done now and i need to figure this out. is it better to buy a package deal or buy individuals? thanks
Thats my setup and i have 20 blue leg hermits, 10 nassarius snails, 10 turbo/astrea snails, feather duster, 2 mexican turbo snails, 1 emerald crab


do you add them slowly or get them all and dump them in? did you get a package deal or buy your individually? do feather dusters need alot of light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tylerfear
do you add them slowly or get them all and dump them in? did you get a package deal or buy your individually? do feather dusters need alot of light?
Added them all at the same time. I ordered them all from this site. I believe the feather dusters are a lil light sensitive. Where i placed mine, he kinda moved back a lil so the light isnt directly on him. I acclimated them all for an hour and half before adding them.