clean up crew question


Sorry I know i post alot but im trying to change my tank around because of some problems. Question is i have a 10" dog faced puffer and a 6" yellow tang i was wondering what kind of clean up crew i could buy that my puffer wont eat? He eat shrimp from the grocery store before it hits bottom so im afraid if i throw something in there it wont have much of a chance.


Sorry for taking so long to reply but no havent had anything afraid the puffer would kill it. Taking out all the crushed coral either today or tomorrow to have tank drilled and im going to replace it with sand and try putting some inverts in there than i will put the puffer back in see if any stay alive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sobsts
Sorry for taking so long to reply but no havent had anything afraid the puffer would kill it. Taking out all the crushed coral either today or tomorrow to have tank drilled and im going to replace it with sand and try putting some inverts in there than i will put the puffer back in see if any stay alive.
Puffer and inverts will not mix. Their diet is crabs.