clean up crew


i was wondering what type of clean up crew to go with if i have crushed coral instead of sand ..and are some gobies ok for crushed coral...i was told cleaner shrimp and blue knee crab at my lfs just wanted to check


What I ended up doing was checking out the reef packages section on this web site so I could get an idea of how many clean up crew to get. I ended up with blue legged hermits and turbo snails. I also aquired a fire shrimp along the way. I would only add cleaner shrimp after you know you are well past your cycle. With hermits being a couple bucks or less each a loss or two isnt so bad. But when 20-30 dies with the cleaner shrimp that is not sooo good. It is amazing how much those guys clean up too. If you have CC I would check a little bit more into if Goby's are going to be ok with that. I am no expert but I think they prefer mostly to sift the sand so would not work.


ok thanks for the help i think i will start with the hermits and go from there my lfs guy showed me a type of goby and recomended him but like you said $2 and $20 are a big diff.