Clean up Crew


I have a 90 gallon that is going to have sps, clams, and a few softys. What and how many of each should I get? I also will be needing something that will be moving some of my sand around.


Active Member
I know that everyone says that you need to get hermits, but all of my hermits are snail murderers!!! I would decide which one you want (snails or hermits) and bump your numbers up (20-30). I HATE HERMITS!!!


Originally Posted by mckaax
I have a 90 gallon that is going to have sps, clams, and a few softys. What and how many of each should I get? I also will be needing something that will be moving some of my sand around.
If you go into under reef packages it breaks down in numbers what you need. sand sifting star does a good job in my tank.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
I know that everyone says that you need to get hermits, but all of my hermits are snail murderers!!! I would decide which one you want (snails or hermits) and bump your numbers up (20-30). I HATE HERMITS!!!
Perhaps true, but of the two, they are the only ones that will eat some of the species of hair algae!


Active Member
Please do not get a sandsifter starfish. Use snails, cleaner clams, or a sandsifter cucumber. .
Snails are the way to go, yea hermits eat Detritius but snails ACTUALLY do there job

But its bad to get a sandsifting star because theyll sift and eat all the food in the sand in a day or two and then starve and die
They also eat all the microfauna and macro organsims in your sand


Originally Posted by browniebuck
I know that everyone says that you need to get hermits, but all of my hermits are snail murderers!!! I would decide which one you want (snails or hermits) and bump your numbers up (20-30). I HATE HERMITS!!!
Wow, I have not had that problem. I have turbo and nassarius snail with blue leg and scarlet hermits. In fact the turbos like to attach to the shells of the scarlets and ride around on their backs.


Ok, now I'm curious also...why no sand sifting star? I have two and have had them both since the beginning (about 8 months). I think that is what they are, they are brown and spend a lot of time in the sand. The people at my previous LFS told me I needed them in my CUC. I also have a sea cucumber, so I'm probably breaking all of the rules!