Has anyone had seahorses and emerald crabs together? In my 110 gallon, I have emeralds, blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, jade hermits, lettuce slug, astrea snails, nassarius snails, purple urchin, peppermints, coral banded shrimp, and I'm planning to add some seahorses. Maybe I should order a refugium too and plan to move the crabs if they are problematic. Then again, I could just set up another tank and move the seahorses, that might be easier. Either way, I was going to give seahorses with crabs a try. I also have some peaceful fish; 2 O. clowns, 2 cardinals, and a jawfish.
I should add that my inverts are well fed. I use Formula Two frozen food, several times a week, and green algae on a clip because the clean up crew has my tank so clean I have to supplemently feed them. I really worry about the slug and the urchin. When I got them, I had algae galore and now I don't. My philosophy with the crabs and shrimp is if they are well fed, they should remain peaceful. The only problem I've seen with the blue leg hermits, is they have eaten some nassarius snails and taken over their shells.