Clean up Crew


There are so many mixed ideas on what to have on your tank for invert clean up crew. I was wondering how should i go about setting up my 55 gal tank. It will be half reef half fish with dual power compacts. What should i stay away from and what should i buy in abundance?


i like my sally lightfoot the best and brittle star. get plenty of snails and a emerald crab or two. a couple three or so peppermint shimp are cool to watch also.


anyone else have other ideas? I have heard lotz of things on hermit crabs, how they move **** around all the time and kill sick fish. Is this true?


best and safest bet are snails, snails, and more snails. Get several different types that do different things (nassarius, trochas, Cerith, Margaritas, astrea, Turbo) about 1 per gallon total. You can go with hermits but the only some what safe choice is Scarlet Reef hermits and even those some people have trouble with. Crabs like Sally Lightfoot or emerald are risky. I personally have had good luck with both but you never know until you buy a crab and put it in your tank if it is going to eat algae/detrius or coral/fish. brittle stars are nice but several people have had trouble with them taking out their fish. I have never had one so I can't say either way.


you have that many fishs in 55 G tanks?
Madarin in a 8 weeks old tank, impressive
show me how you do it :)