Clean up crew

reef champ

What should I include in a clean up crew for a 30g tank with 50 lbs of live rock and no sand. Planning on having plenty of corals and T5 HO lighting.


In my 29G mixed reef, I have 1 emeral crab, 1 sally lightfoot, a couple of scarlet hermits, probably a dozen or more astreas, cerith, nassarius snails....a bunch of mini florida ceriths
I did not get all of them all at once, and I wouldn't advize you to either.....after your cycle, start out with a few of each of the snails.....add gradually after that, like your first fish, then maybe a few more cuc....etc etc


Active Member
If you plan on having corals I would add sand now. Sand is a great buffer for your water parameters, along with also being a place for food for them to grow and flourish.


Originally Posted by Xcali1985
If you plan on having corals I would add sand now. Sand is a great buffer for your water parameters, along with also being a place for food for them to grow and flourish.
LOL...I totally overlooked the NO sand part......if you are not gonna have san forget the nassarius...BUT I would get sand....for exactly what is stated above
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I totally overlooked the NO sand part......if you are not gonna have san forget the nassarius...BUT I would get sand....for exactly what is stated above
Imo sand is a must for any tank with corals and whatnot, its extrememly benificial to the aquarium providing a place for food to grow for corals(as stated above) and it works as a natural filter


Originally Posted by Reef Champ
Picking up some sand today... is 40lbs enough for a 30 gallon long
I'm not sure of the measurements of a 30G long, BUT I think that should give you about a 2" bed.....Do you want a deeper bed, or is 2" what you want...LOL....That's what you need to ask yourself
ALSO...on the left of the screen if you click on the live rock tab, there is a calculator....put in your tank dimensions and it will tell you how much sand you need for your desired depth


Originally Posted by Reef Champ
what is a recommended depth?
It's really a personal preference, and also depends on what types of fish you plan on keeping....burrowing or not....
2" is a good depth...I have 4" in my 225G, and close to 2" in my 54G and my 29G....


you guys steered totally off the ? he/she asked look on and go to reef packages and see what cuc u need for your size tank. if u dont like everything they suggest build your own close to what they say u should have


Originally Posted by btwk12
you guys steered totally off the ? he/she asked look on and go to reef packages and see what cuc u need for your size tank. if u dont like everything they suggest build your own close to what they say u should have
What are you talking about????? he never brought up a reef package from here, and he also brought up sand


Originally Posted by Reef Champ
What should I include in a clean up crew for a 30g tank with 50 lbs of live rock and no sand. Planning on having plenty of corals and T5 HO lighting.
thats the name of his post. lol