clean up crew


After some more research and reading other threads, I have decided on this clean up crew:
10 blue leg hermits
2 emerald crabs
3 astrea snails
3 bumble bee snails
3 nassarius snails
3 trochus
4 turbo
2 peppermint shrimp
1 queen conch
Any comments on the list?
Will this be an overload for my new tank? (It has just finished cycling)
35# LR
1 ocellaris clown


Active Member
I wouldnt put all that in right now since you just finished cycling. Just to be on the safe side. Anyways all that depends on what you plan to house also. (aggressive/community). I dont think it will overcrowd, I think its a snail/crab per gallon, again if community it should be ok. HTH


I plan on having a community tank.
I can't buy most of those things at my LFS, so I was hoping to buy them online. So should I wait to add them later?


Active Member
Good point on the Algae. Those snails WILL clean your algae from the tank. I always smile when mine clean the thermometer. Like everyone has said add them slowly.
BTW, if you could please tell me where you get the Bumble bee snails i would appreciate it. I want one myself....


Active Member
I was just stating not to add all of them at once. You want them to have something to eat, and not die out b/c of no algea etc. You could add a few to help with the diatom, if there. Though, my astrea dont do sqaut! Maybe reconsider those. ;)