Clean-up Crew??


As you can see....I'm a tad overstocked. However, I did it slowly and haven't lost anything. I must do water changes and clean the glass every 5 or 6 days, but I'm retired....I enjoy it. I'm thinking of adding a skimmer.....but don't know if it will fit inside because of the hood....and don't think I have room outside because my tanks in a corner...two walls and a large bookcase. My man at the LFS is off for a while and all my knowledge comes from you guys!!! I added the two snails to see if they'd survive the problem. I hand feed him, the Hawk and the Ell. Nobody is aggressive.....and the Manderain LOVES frz brine shrimp. I cycled my tank over 10 weeks and added the fish on a weekly basis. Haven't put anything new in the tank since Nov 1st, '02........Will adding a 'crew' push the population over the edge?? Will they 'help' or am I asking for trouble???
Does anyone have a skimmer INSIDE their 'Eclipse' can one sit under the tank in a cabinet with hoses going up the back?? The tank is only two inches from the wall????
Thanks in advance for your time.....I'm loving this hobby!!!!!!


Active Member
A clean up crew does not add to your bio load. But I'm affraid you fish will pick them off over time.


Hi Slick.......Short period of time....or over a long course??? Would they be beneficial or just an expensive dinner?????


Hey Red..thanks for the reply. The PJ does great. I put him in 10/09 and he's grown a little. He doesn't swim around that much, just looks like a colorful decoration. Many people see him move and are surprised he's a real fish!!! Doesn't miss any meals...eats it ALL. Frz Brineshrimp, Frz Bloodworms and flakes. Just out of curiosity....why are you shocked???? My reading material "Marine Fishes" by Scott W. Michael stated he would grow to about 3", needed a 30gal tank or larger and rated a 5 (tops) on Aquarium suitability. These calculations have been 'right on' for all my fish. I picked small and colorfull and compatable, thus the slight overload. But everything is going great!!!!!


I would understand if you didn't want to but I would reccomend getting rid of a few fish so you can add more cleaners, maybe the damsels?


Active Member

Originally posted by terrence
As you can see....I'm a tad overstocked.

I'm going to have to say it, you need to remove about half of your fish. Even if you did add these fish slowly, there's almost no way that a 75G can handle such a high bio-load or have enough area for these fish. Please try to take them out. It seems to me that the only reason you haven't had any problems yet, is because the Ammonia and nutrients are just about to catch up with you, so I would try to get them out quickly.
PS I would get rid of the Damsels like Articuno said, as they tend to be to belligerent to be kept in a "peaceful" Reef Community.


Even if u kept the damsels/chromis if they r stupid enough to go to close to the eel when he's hungry...
By the way your tank is grossly overstocked so the damsels might have to go


I'mmmm Baaaack!!!!!! Thanks for the advice....I listened to it!!!! (kind of).....I did my usual 16 gal water change only this time I removed the rocks and vacummed the CC really well. I removed almost 30lbs, taking it down to 3 inches. I also removed an 11lb rock. When I refilled the tank it took an extra 4 gals of water. I returned 4 fish to my LFS....the Domino (at 3 1/2 inches...the 2nd largest fish in the tank)...also, each fish I had two of (I guess I thought I was Noah!!). Bottom line.....removed 8" of fish added 4 gals water capacity.
The LFS swapped me 3 lg Turbos and 2 peppermint shrimp and a bottle of 'prime'. Not a bad deal. Thanks for your advice!!!!!


dunno if you are still wanting to add a skimmer to your eclipse hood... but I believe it can be done. There's been a few good threads here about that very topic. Do a search with keyword "eclipse" and it may be there. It will take some modification to the hood to accomodate a hang-on skimmer.
Hope this helps. Good luck.


ur talkin about puttin a skimmer in an eclipse hood well i did it for my friend i used a jigsaw and cut out a square in the back and it works fine if that helps a little laterz