clean up crew


New Member
I am new to the saltwater world, I have had freshwater for 10+ years. My SW tank has been up since beginning of took 6 weeks for it to cycle.
I just added 20 lbs of LR (cured) from my lfs on 6/7/03 which didn't cause a mini cycle. I do plan to add more LR soon.
specific gravity - 1.023,ammonia-0, NI-0, NO-0, and ph is 8.2.
I currently am experiencing a diatom bloom, which I know is normal. My question is can I purchase one of the reef packages from this site and add them all at once? (after acclimation of course). Would it cause an ammonia spike?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
you can really add as many inverts as you want. If i were you id buy about half of my desired cleanup crew at once and then add according to your tanks cleaning needs.


Well first of all welcome to the board. I think you will find answers to all your questions and more on this site. anyway I have 20 blue leg hermits, a horseshoe crab, a serpent star, turbo snails, 3 peppermint shrimps and some nassarius snails. they do a great job of keeping my tank clean and I am slowly correcting my algae problem. I have reduced my light time a lot.


New Member
Thank you! Actually I have found alot of answers on this board and I appreciates everyones input. I am going with the DSB and LR because of what I have read on here.
Thanks again!


Ive Read a lot of books and most say 1 snail per gallon and 1 crab per 3 gallons ...the more you have the more youll have to feed algae sheets too when they tear up the algae in tank


That is what I have read also, I also agree with Saltj. I have started with half of the recommended package, Say 1 snale per 2-3 gallons, and the samen with the hermits. It is amaixing how fast they can take care of an alge bloom. Then over tive I added a few here and there...

nm reef

Active Member

Definitely a big Howdy!!!
If the cycle is complete and ammonia/nitrite/nitrate have stabalised then adding a clean-up crew would be ok...but any traces of ammonia/nitrite can be a major problem. Sounds like your about ready for some custodians ... :cool:

NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my for my horses.”

sinner's girl

we got a u-build it package from two years ago...still have the two stars and some hermits.
just make sure whatever you order will get along with each other. CBS will eat pepermint shrimp, so don't mix them. some inverts do well in groups, others don't.