Clean up crew


I have a 125G tank. Is the amount of janitors below appropriate? It look's a bit extreme... i dont want to look at my tank to see that many janitors running around.
100+ Gallon Reef Package
50 Scarlet Reef Hermits
20 Blueleg Hermits
50 Turbo/Astrea Snails
2 Sally Lightfoot
3 Horseshoe Crabs
10 Emerald Crabs
3 Serpent Stars
3 Brittle Stars
3 Feather DUsters
3 Peppermint Shrimp
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Active Member
I wonder about some of those packages sometimes.....
You don't need nearly that many hermit crabs especially since youll have 6 starfish? They will be quite large one day too.
I personally would cut all those numbers in half and go with something like that. Its also dependent on the amount of rock you have in that tank as well.


Yeah I heard the one per gallon rule as well. I have something along this line in my 125:
50 turbo/astrea snails
30 mexican snails
10 nassarius snails
20 blue leg hermits
2 cleaner peppermint shrimp
1 orange linkia
1 bristle star
5 emerald crabs
1 sally litefoot crab
2 queen conch
they do a fine job of keeping everything nice and tidy.


heeheheh then i guess that package is right? if you have all them critters in the tank, wouldnt it look to busy? what if one or few of them die... how are you gonna account for all of them? can put out some toxic stuff, if they die.
by the way, you two work for swf or what? trying to make a sale???
:mad::D :D


Member i do not work for I have ordered from them a few times though. good product.
As far as looking busy, no, I kinda thought that too at first but most of your snails will just latch on and lay dormant for the daytime and really they start to blend in really well. They do most of their handiwork at night.