clean up crew????


For a 55 gal.,how many snails ect...,should you
have more than the 55 gal. package allows???
How many is too many???
Do peppermint shrimp,eat anomies???
Can you have more than 1 arrow crab?
What should you not have if you want to have
soft corals???
Toytek #8


New Member
I can't answer all of your questions, but here is what I know.
I don't think Peppermint Shrimp eat anemones. If anything it might be the other way around. Peppermint Shrimp are mostly scavengers, and generally won't kill anything. At least that is my experience.
On the other hand - Arrow Crabs will kill and eat other critters you might have. I had one that killed several hermit crabs and snails. They can also get quite large.
In terms of critters per gallon - I guess one per gallon would be plenty as long as you are careful about what you add. Also be careful not to put too many in at once as you could cause your tank to cycle.
Hope that helps.


first let's start with what kind of a tank are you going to have:
Community fish only
agressive fish only
Then figure aproximately one clean up crew for every 1.5g - 2g of water, unless your going for an agressive tank then understand that every cleanup crew member you put in the tank is really just a snack for your fish.
Start small with a good mix of snails (cerith, trouchas, stometella, strombus, nassarius) maybe 15 max. add in 10 scarlet reef hermits. and then let the tank mature a while before adding anything more exotic.
Yes pepermint shrimp eat aptasia anemonies.


I won't a community tank.
I do have a some what large arrow crab, but I can
exchange it at the pet store that I got it from.
Do you think that I should??
I have had him (it) for 3 years.He likes raw chicken.


Never had an arrow crab since they are known to deplete the bristle worm population and I like having lots of worms in my sand bed. People have told me they are pretty agressive and will take out your clean up crew and some fish but I have no first hand knowledge of this. But if it likes raw chicken seems to me it's only a matter of time until it tries some sushi. Maybe someone else with some experience in keeping arrow crabs will chime in for a definitive word.


I think that I just caused my Arrow crab bad luck.
It was on the bottom this morning dead!
I have checked all of the test, nothing is wrong.
Now, I have no shrimp ,coral band all of these guys
have fought till death over a peroid of 3 years.
So if I only have blue legs, red legs and snails.
What do all of you recomend I restock with???
All I have are mushrooms ,a few only.
I have sank money into to this hobbie ,just like all of you.
Would like something that is easy to live.


I guess that tells me he had
one too many chicken pot pies huh!
HUMMMMMM!The tank is on a strike....
I have also learned form reading ya'lls post that
North Ga.(Blairsville Ga.)knows nothing of the sort
about a saltwater set up period.
I guess you learn from experience of others &
your own, right!
I'm looking in on ordering form
I would love to have a star fish?Is there a certain kind
that you recomend???
What do I have to do to keep one???(what do they eat?)


sorry,I can't fix that post,I put a p and now it hahs that.
I was not being rude.
Hey is that a brain on the botton in that picture??