Clean-up for my 40 breeder


Hello, I was hoping somebody out there would have a good idea how many clean up crew members to add to my tank. I have had some trouble with bright green algae. Its not to bad only have to clean the glass to keep it from being tinted green and it is starting to grow on my lr. I just up graded my lighting and don't test for phosphates. Here's what I have,
40 aga breeder
2-percula clowns
11-blu legged hermits
10-turbo snails
1- green brittle star
1-20watt actinic
2-55watt pc
41 lbs. liverock
2'' cc (it stays for now)
prism skimmer
fluval 304 (circulation and bio/mech)
Also just added some phosphate/silicate remover to the media today.
rio powerhead
skilter (only use filter section)