Clean up?


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What kind of clean up crew do you guys have, that is reef safe? I am looking for something to clean the sand. Any suggestions?


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I'm going to second the Nassarius snails. They worked wonders for the sand bed in my refugium and display. Also look at the fighting conchs. There not the most efficient cleaners, but diversity is good.


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Hermit crabs also work well. It is amazing to watch them go across the sand and they leave a trail of white sand behind them.


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Originally posted by Leopard_babe
I thought you weren't supposed to have things with pincher in a reef?

You can, but I limit myself to scarlet hermits and so do other members. They are the least aggressive of hermits. For others with claws--in my tank no way, others do though. Some of it has to do with the shape of the claws. Rounded or blunt are ok, but pointed claws are not good. There is more to it, but I dont keep them, only scarlet hermits.


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clarkiiboi makes sence. I will stick with the snails, and maybe a few scalets. My starfish usually eats them with in a day. She is not really reef safe, but I really don't want to give her up, so that someone can feed her to their harliquin shrimp. I might just have to set up a qt. Anyways, I wouldn't want to keep anything with claws in my reef tank.


For my 45 I got 6 nassarius snails, 12 turbo snails, 1 emerald crab, 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 fighting conch. I wish I would have known that fighting conchs are the arguably that dumbest SW animal... they often wedge themselves in rockwork and get stuck so you end up pulling your aquarium apart to save them like twice a week. They keep my sandbed REALLY clean, but I don't know if it's worth ripping my aquarium apart that often. The rest of my cleanup crew is GREAT! My tank is sparkling!


Try to do the clean-up crew without crabs(IMO) because they get bigger and clumsier with age. My keep knocking over smaller frags that I'm try to get to prop. by moving over(zoos). And stay away from sallylight foots mine was so cool 6 months ago when it was smaller now it's 5-6 inches across and has aquirred a taste for some of my snails(stombolla to be more accurate). So I'm trying to catch him now, not having any luck. Conches, peppermint shrimp along with cleaners are good and don't forget serpent stars mine is always searching for food in the cracks and crevises. Nass. snails are wonderful.


Carp - you're right! He is slow! :) Perhaps he's defective and I should return him to the LFS telling them that they sold me a "special" (wink, wink) conch...
Just kidding _ I love him brains or not...


Active Member
hahahaha "special" sally light foot I like that. I had a "special" chromis. First fish in my tank, I was so excited. I wake up the next day to see if I was successful with my first fish. He had his head wedged in a rock trying to get a piece of food. Note that there WAS food on the sand, but he had to go for the impossible piece. Ok so nars. snails, maybe a shrimp since I don't have a puffer anymore. I don't think that I want anything with pinchers anyway. I have a starfish that has eaten every member of my clean up crew. I am sad that I am going to have to get rid of him when I start a reef. Thanks for the replies I really appreciate it!!!!