Cleaned out clean up crew


Originally Posted by GUBBER
Okay, I cycled the tank 4 weeks before I put anything in and I did acclimate the fish as per specs. I didn't know about the Inverts, I thought they were good to go. My bad.

I've done my a 20% water change and have added the Instant Ocean over a period of time and it's at 1.024 now.
PH is still low at 7.8 how do I bring this up?
Amm. is at 0.0
Nitrite is at 0.2
Nitrate is at 2
PS I agree about the Mandarine and that's why I working on a refugium.

Don't add the salt directly to the tank. Pre mix it for 24-48hrs in a seperate bucket. How much flow do you have in the tank? Low flow can be a factor in low ph. You can buy a buffer and add it to your water change mix or to your top off water. You have to let it mix/disolve and be sure to test the water before adding it to your tank. Don't raise the PH or the SG too quickly. One or two points per day is more than enough.


Well, I have a Whisper Power Filter but I really dont know how much flow that is. I didn't add the Instant Ocean directly but I did add it a little too quickly. It's been a little while now and they seem to be doing okay. I also found out that one of my Emeral Crabs did survive the whole ordeal.
salinity is up at 1.024 I still need to test the water.