cleaner clam


Active Member
I have a 2 1/2 gallon HOB fuge. Is this too small for a cleaner clam? I was planning on putting it in the fuge but will put it in the tank if you guys thinks the fuge is too small for it. I already have a snail and a hermit in the fuge and it has a two inch sand base.


Active Member
Corally i would put it in the tank , and also the cleaner clam is alot more ideal than the flame scallop , the cleaner is going to bury itself in the sand ad eat up nitrates for you , try to keep shrimp and crabs away from it


Active Member
I have two more questions. What will the shrimp and crabs do to it? I have a fire shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, some peppermints and a porcelain crab. And what if the clam dies? If it is buried in the snow (oops, I mean sand, you can tell I live in Ohio and it's FREEZING right now!) how will I know it's dead? Will it foul up my water if don't realize it's dead and get it out?


I have two cleaner clams in my tank and I would like to know how to tell if they're dead or alive? I've never seen either one do anything at all.... they just lie there...


ihave 2 cleaners that i picked up of a low tide reef here in florida. when the cleaner clam will know it. the smaller one that i died and it came to the surface to do it. the shell will open all the way up...looks crazy.... the muscle was so small , i didn't mess with the shell, i let the crew tend to it. my cleaners only bury half way down in the sand bed...their little shells open up you can see them working...ive watched them move al the way across the tank with that little muscle they are armed with...LMAO...i have found though...that a choc chip starfish will peel one of them open in a minute if he gets ahold of one of them...gotta watch for that. other than that....not a problem...hope this helps.


mine have just layed in the same position ever since I got them... they don't move at all that I have ever witnessed... I've never seen them open.. they're not really buried.. just lying there... I bought them from this site...


Active Member
I have heard that you can test if they are alive by putting them in a small clean bowl with tank water and watching to see if they spit. (you would find sand particles in your clean bowl). I don't know if that helps, it was just something I have read before.


Active Member
that does help, I've been noticing him spitting sand up into the water. It's cool because he's completely buried but you can tell where he is by his "spitting".


Active Member
AzOcean, I am not sure if all of them will stay at the surface though, so it may be hard to tell when they died, if your sand bed is dep like mine.
Also, I was wondering,.... I doubt that they are actually "eating the nitrates", I think it is more along the lines that...
If you have enough flow, then most detritus, will stay "water borne". The clams filter the water (actually, I am thinking that it would be very strange, that all clams that we get as "cleaner" clams, actually filter out of the water column, it would seem that some would sift sand), which is laden with detritus. While filtering the water, they ingest this detritus, which means that their is now less detritus in the water, less detritus = less decomposing matter= less nitrates.
Please correct me if I am bieng crazy AGAIN!


If they die they will come to the top and open up. Do yourself a favor go to your local fish market and get them for 25 cents. Take some water put it in a bowl place clam in it watch it when it spits place in your tank.


Active Member
steel gluer, how many of yours have come up to the surface and then died? I am just trying to see the likely hood of this happening.


4" They dont last long thats why i said to get them from fish market. The clams in the pic are is what is know as cherrystones. you might want to get rhode islands they are smaller.
ANow i have this in mu fudge. I now have over 400 feather dusters



Active Member
Now, that FD pic is soooooo cool!
Well, it seems to me that if they are that large, then they may not every go far enough in the fuge that they dis appear... IDK, maybe I am just rambeling...again..