cleaner clams


I order 2 cleaner clams from this site.they were shipped with bo water not even a lil bit.Are they uasully shipped that way?


bump..........................HELP i got them in th tannk and they dont even open up like regular clams

ric maniac

Active Member
yes, that is normal. The clams you see at the grocery store are the same, but less expensive lol. And they don't open up like others.


thats how i got mine from this site. after about a day they dug into the sand not to be seen again.

ric maniac

Active Member
I'm not sure about the nitrate thing. I have never noticed a difference. And they bury themselves, and you wont see them again unless you take it out.


yup, i bought a dozen littleneck clams (that is what they are called in the grocery store) threw 2 in my tank and they buried themselves in a day or 2. They are still alive, I see a puff of sand every once in a while from where they burried themselves. They filter the water and, supposedly, help your nitrate levels.
The other 10 were yummy!
Steam them until they open then serve with butter and lemon.....


hahaha i just saved a clam from steaming last week....he now resides in my aquapod to filter his life away hahaha


live clams at the grocery,ive never seen em.are they cheaper than the fish you just through em in or acclimate em


yeah, they are called "littleneck" clams up here in the northeast, but that is a nickname I think, they might be called something else in other parts of the country. You will have to go to a grocery store that has a nice seafood section.
They should be closed. IF they completely open up, then they are dead.
They are pretty cheap. a dozen for $ 50 cents a piece.
I just throw mine in, and they have been fine.
....and if you enjoy eating seafood, be sure to get a few extra!


they're the clams in the seafood area......they keep em in mesh bags on ice, no water.....had to have seen em at some time (especially if you've ever eaten stemed clams
when ya get em you just put em in a bucket or cup....whatever (depends on size of clams) and let em sit for a little while.......(go watch tv or something haha). they'll "spit" out all the waste they have accumulated while they were sittin on the ice. dispose of that water and place the clam in the tank. they'll dig down and filter the water, and even shift the sand around a little


im a shrimp and lobster man myself and live down south in Tn. maybe just looked over them. but ill try anything once so ill look and buy a dozen,i might not eat em all. i might end up with 11 in the tank(just kidding) but i will look thanks for the replies