Cleaner Clams


Active Member
i might be getting some cleaner clams down in florida this july. I found some near the island were going to last time i was down there but i wasn't prepared enough to keep the critters.
are they easy? i mean, nice water quality and plenty of food and there good to go?
i can't find info on cleaner clams on the internet. just wanted to know as much as i can before i kill them accidently


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
i might be getting some cleaner clams down in florida this july. I found some near the island were going to last time i was down there but i wasn't prepared enough to keep the critters.
are they easy? i mean, nice water quality and plenty of food and there good to go?
i can't find info on cleaner clams on the internet. just wanted to know as much as i can before i kill them accidently

I would not pull clam out of the open water and place them into your closed system.
That’s not a good idea.
Do a search on the board for cleaner clams you'll see threads about a cheaper and safer way then buying cleaner clams from say
Admin ripped the thread off about grocery store cleaner clams cause it went against their belief of helping fellow hobbyist out.
I pmed you a safer way to do cleaner clams


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
I would not pull clam out of the open water and place them into your closed system.
That’s not a good idea.
Do a search on the board for cleaner clams you'll see threads about a cheaper and safer way then buying cleaner clams from say
Admin ripped the thread off about grocery store cleaner clams cause it went against their belief of helping fellow hobbyist out.
I pmed you a safer way to do cleaner clams
true you can get clams at the store. a pound is about the price that 1 clam is on this site. there about 79 cents at the store, and there the same thing.


Active Member
hmmmm could be, i just know i still have mine in my sumps. Never had a problem. Good info to keep around.


Active Member
every clam i've bought at the supermarkets have become clean up crew food cause they always die. the last one just died was in my tank for a few months though.


Active Member
thanks for the info. i might try and find some somewhere around here just to see how they work out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
hmmmm could be, i just know i still have mine in my sumps. Never had a problem. Good info to keep around.
some people have great luck with them, some people dont. between predation and lack of true particulate foods they tend to slowly drop off. selling them as cleaner clams is a misnomer, like selling a feather duster as a living water purifier, same deal its a filter feeder. doesnt consume nitrates but will consume particulate matter out of the water column that may contribute to nitrates........


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
selling them as cleaner clams is a misnomer, like selling a feather duster as a living water purifier, same deal its a filter feeder. doesnt consume nitrates but will consume particulate matter out of the water column that may contribute to nitrates........
true very true.
I was always told that they are a great to clean the water in a closed system if you feed phto to help clean it up quicker. Not as a general water polisher.
I did hear that croc and dersa clams do consume nitrates and stuff.


Active Member
How do you know when the clam dies? I have a couple in my tank right now for puffer food, but I don't know if the puffer will ever eat them.