Cleaner Crew for a 29 reef


Active Member
i would ditch the emeralds and try to thin back the hermits to between 5 and 10. i would also pick up say 10 nassarius snails. anything in particular your fighting?
did u get my PM?


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Just saw the pm.. Not really.. Cyano and hairy.. So I should ditch cerith or keep cerith and add nass.


Active Member
keep the cerith and add the nassarius. you can keep the emeralds and other hermits until the algae is gone, but ime, there a problem after your through your algae phases and you start stocking up on corals.
also, if you want to get rid of the hair algae, try 2 mexican turbo snails. they are great at taking that stuff down.
also, try a persian sand conch. him along with the nassarius snails shoudl start to stir up your sand bed and hopefully that will help with the cyano.
whats your flow like?


Active Member
Yea Im working on the cyano I ordered stuff today.
So wait can you remake my list, thanks. Dont make it so once they eat it up they die lol.


Active Member
5-10 scarlet reef hermits
10 cerith snails
10 nassarius snails
1 cleaner shrimp
2 mexican turbos
1 persian sand conch


Active Member
everything should do fine. ive got pretty much the exact same in my 30 gallon, except switch the ceriths for turbos. and ive got a mix of scarlets and zebra hermits.
if i could do it over again, i would have skipped the turbos and went with ceriths, and went with all scarlet hermits, just like i told you to do. only thing is that the mexican trubos are a little bigger than your avergae snail. im not sure what mine are eating, but theyve been alive for over a year, and they did mow down that hari algae when my tank first went up.


Active Member
dont worry about them, just add the scarlets as well and dont forget to get some bigger shells. if you dont, they will start killing off your snail population.


In my 29 I don't have much luck with more that about 5 snails. A couple of turbos, 2 or 3 cerith and an nassarius or 2. If I get more, they die off. 3 emeralds is too many unless you feed them by hand regularly. Cyano is usually caused by having dead spots and it's a bacterial algea. You can help get rid of it by sucking it out when you do a water change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BamBam_250r
In my 29 I don't have much luck with more that about 5 snails. A couple of turbos, 2 or 3 cerith and an nassarius or 2. If I get more, they die off. 3 emeralds is too many unless you feed them by hand regularly. Cyano is usually caused by having dead spots and it's a bacterial algea. You can help get rid of it by sucking it out when you do a water change.
You may be able to get away with more snails if you get rid of some of your turbos. I have 1 in my 29 along with 10 astraea, and about 13 nassarius. It's possible that your turbos aren't leaving much food behind for the other snails.


Active Member
in my 30, ive got about 7 or 8 turbos, a dozen or so nassarius, 2 mexican turbos, and a persian sand conch. all have been alive for over a year so i dont think any are really competing for food. and i dont have any algae issues either, besides the normal film on the glass.