Cleaner Crew for Brown Algae


New Member
I have had my tank up for 3 weeks. Used Cured LR from LFS. I bought 3 medium sized turbo snails to help start cleaning the brown algae. They have only been cleaning my LR.
Will They clean the live sand? If not, should I get a lawnmower benny?


Active Member
are you talking about diatoms? if so, it will dissapear on it's own ... this is a normal occurrence in young tanks.


New Member
I think that is it. You recomnd hcrabs or just sitting tight. Also, starting to form on glass. Should I just clean it with magnet? thank you


Diatom alge blooms are normal, they just look bad but in time your tank will mature and the nutriuents they need will be depleted and used by other alge's


i think i have them too. Do they look like rust spots?
if this is the case and my tank is still cycling i am assuming i should not but crabs in to help with this issue? i should wait?


my tank is about 10 months out and i am having a bloom of brown hair algae. i got a sandsifter starfish, hcs, snails, and a goby. they cleaned up the sand wonderfully. i am still having issues with hair algae on the rocks. the hcs, snails, lawnmower blenny and tang seem to not touch it. help please.


My Turbos goes EVERYWHERE, LR, glass, sand, equiptment. I have 5 Turbos and 10 Astreas for my 30 gal and its spotless. I rarely use my Mag-Float
Nassarius Snails are great for sand... as for a fish any of the Sleeper Gobies are great for sand sifting. Lawnmowers are more for Hair Algea from my understanding. Avoid a Sand Sifting Starfish, most will not recommend them PERIOD.