Cleaner Crew Help ASAP Please


Is is possible to add too many inverts for the purpose of cleaning your tank? I have to place an order today online for a few inhabitants but have noticed that most of them come in groupings. I have a 55 gal with only one clownfish, 5 nassarius snails, 5 astrea, and about only 3 hermits. I have a green hair algae and aptasia problem and have to get some things in there to naturally take care of it. I do not want to dose with harmful meds. Will I be ok to add 5 peppermint shrimp, 3 emerald crabs, and 5 sand sifting crabs to a 55 gal? Also can you tell me what is good about cleaning up the diatoms in between the glass and sand besides snails? They are not doing a good job there. Will I need to feed these inverts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by beginner01
Is is possible to add too many inverts for the purpose of cleaning your tank? I have to place an order today online for a few inhabitants but have noticed that most of them come in groupings. I have a 55 gal with only one clownfish, 5 nassarius snails, 5 astrea, and about only 3 hermits. I have a green hair algae and aptasia problem and have to get some things in there to naturally take care of it. I do not want to dose with harmful meds. Will I be ok to add 5 peppermint shrimp, 3 emerald crabs, and 5 sand sifting crabs to a 55 gal? Also can you tell me what is good about cleaning up the diatoms in between the glass and sand besides snails? They are not doing a good job there. Will I need to feed these inverts?
I think if you feed the inverts occasionally, you should be okay.
However, to get rid of aiptasia why don't you boil RO or RO/DI water and fill it with a needle and suringe and then poke the needle into the middle of the aiptasia and expel the boiling water. That will kill them.
Others have recommended lemon juice and Joe's Juice as well. I have not used them so I don't know how good they are - I've seen mixed reviews.
Denise M.


It is possible to have too many inverts for cleaning, in which case you would either need to feed them or might prey on each other (in the case of hermits). I think you are a long way from there, however. Normally, they will find plenty of food from food leftovers, fish waste, and algae.
I don't think that you would have a problem with what you are planning on ordering. Any other opinions? I haven't had the sand sifting crabs but it is my understanding that they feed on plankton so they wouldn't really be directly working to do clean up work (although moving the sand bed is always beneficial.
One of my favorite snails is often referred to as "baja" snails (I guess they collect a lot from the Baja region). These snails will eat most types of algae -- also diatoms and even cyanobacteria (not their favorite but they will eat it) as well as food wastes. They also tend to burrow in the sand so they also sand stir. The main negative is that they do not get too big so you need more of them. I believe that they are from the family Cerith. I don't know if SWF carries them (haven't looked lately but I don't think so).


I don't think I want to get any more hermits. Cut little guys but I have been doing reading here about them eating fish and I do not want to got hat route. I will stick wiht just the 3 I already have and get extra snails. Does this sound like a winner? Also, do you have any suggestions for my cleaner crew?


Oh - I had no idea about the boiling water. That is a great natural way to kill them. I will do this. Thanks for your help. Since it may not be so neccesary for me to have the peppermint shrimps now do you think i can mix different shrimps maybe like 2 cleaner and 2 peppermint or something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beginner01
Oh - I had no idea about the boiling water. That is a great natural way to kill them. I will do this. Thanks for your help. Since it may not be so neccesary for me to have the peppermint shrimps now do you think i can mix different shrimps maybe like 2 cleaner and 2 peppermint or something.
Personally, I wouldn't due to possibly fighting (how big is your tank??). One of different types I'd do rather than two of each. Then ya got a possible power struggle between the identicals.
Denise M.