Cleaner crew recs


Active Member
First, I'm wondering if I can't get opinions on the ideal number of crabs/snails for a 29 gallon tank, and if anyone can recommend particular species that seem to do a real good job. My biggest problem at the moment is brown algae (and yes, I'm doing everything I can to control it). I currently have a dozen hermit crabs (red leg, blue leg, zebras) and ten small snails (not sure of the species, but I know they're not turbos). Invariably, some of these guys just don't seem to work a whole lot, and others don't seem up to natural selection (they die off too easily). Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I'll say this right now, my opinion and experience is that blue legged hermits will kill your snails and scarlet hermits one by one. They are a bold hermit crab that doesn't mind destroying your other clean up crew.
If I were you, I would rid yourself of the blue's (like I did) and go straight with scarlets.
Otherwise, you'll probably just continue to rebuy snails and other hermits.
Some emerald crabs are a great addition... they eat algae like crazy.
A queen conch works really good too.


Active Member
get some turbo's...i have a 29g myself...i prolly have fifteen hermits three to five turbos and a few nassarius'...queen conchs i have heard are good but i think they may get very large for this size tank i could be wrong though....


Active Member
Originally Posted by FranktheTank
I'll say this right now, my opinion and experience is that blue legged hermits will kill your snails and scarlet hermits one by one. They are a bold hermit crab that doesn't mind destroying your other clean up crew.
If I were you, I would rid yourself of the blue's (like I did) and go straight with scarlets.
Otherwise, you'll probably just continue to rebuy snails and other hermits.
Some emerald crabs are a great addition... they eat algae like crazy.
A queen conch works really good too.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for that.