cleaner crew size


I have a 37 gallon tank with a live sand bed and about 45 pounds of rock (combo of live rock and dead, although the dead seems to be building up an algae base) How many critters should I have in my cleanup crew? The 30-55 gallon crew on this site seems kind of big for what I have. It includes 20 hermits 20 turbo snails 2 brittle stars and some others crawlers.


that does seem to be a bit big in my 55 i had 20 dwarf blue leg hermits 10 turbos and 20 narrsasis and they seem to keep it under control.from past experinces i dont want to give out the names of other web sites but if you want to im me at wakeskater5454 i can give you a name.


Thanks Wakeskater. Actually that matches what I thought. I think I'll just buy some individuals. You know anything about margarita snails? I know the turbos should get placed on the glass and they'll clean there. Do the margaritas go on the glass too or can they be put directly on the rocks?