Cleaner crew


Can someone put together a nice list of critters I can add to my 65 gallon? This will be my first addition to the tank..


turbo, astrea, and nassarius snails.
Electric blue, and scarlet hermies (these are the least agressive of the hermies)
A few cleaner shrimp (they like to be in groups)
Maybe some peppermint shrimp, or fire shrimp (too cool), or other kinds of shrimp - not coral banded
That's a good cleanup crew!


Cool that helps. What about numbers? Do you think I should add the crew all at once or in parts since my tank is only 4 wks old?


i'd say about 5-10 turbo, 5-10 astrea, 20 nassarius (they're friggin tiny!), 5-10 scarlet, 5-10 electric blue, 2-3 skunk cleaners, and 2-3 of the other kinds of shrimp.
These critters all give up so little waste that adding all of them at once is probably equivalent to adding 2 fish. So IMO, add them all at the same time! Unless there's a financial damper, then add them as you like


now, your ammonia and nitrites are 0, and your nitrates are below 20ppm, right? If not, you need to wait until they are, or you'll be kissing your cleaning crew good-bye!


Yeah they are or have been for about a week. My trates always test a light orange that seems to always fall right smack between 15 and 20 on the read card. I added my macroalgae 2-3 days ago so I should start to see a decrease in my trates....either way it should be safe. I'm gonna do a water change and then add the cleaner crew. I buy my saltwater from my LFS and it's the same I used to fill the tank. It's not a mix from what they tell me. They have someone contracted that brings the water from the ocean. I'm gonna test it before making the change but I'm guessing paramaters should be more or less the same. Do you suggest waiting a certain amount of time before adding critters after the water change?