Cleaner Crew


Active Member
Once ammonia and nitrite levels are at 0 do a 10 or 15% water change and check them again, nitrates can be <20 IMO ... if all's well you can add a clean up crew. Assorted snails and hermits are always good IMO.


Originally Posted by kainrahl
What kind of cleanup crew for my 24 DX ? And how fast should I add them after my cycle ends

10 astreas
10 nassarius
1 queen conch
1 turbo
that's a good starting crew. Maybe a peppermint or two. Hermits are cool, but you have to keep adding shells which gets to be a pain.

all deligh

New Member
I'd get a cleaner shrimp since they eat parasites too!
I have a 24g as well,
3 electric blue hermits
2 bumble bee snails
1 cleaner shrimp
I'm going to add 3 scarlet hermits this weekend.