Cleaner Crew


Anyone have suggestions on a good cleaner crew for a 30 gallon tank? I currently have: 2 Percula Clowns, 5 hermit crabs, 3 turbo snail, and 1 peppermint shrimp. I've since notice 2+ stometella(?) snails that must have been hitchhikers on the LR. Also I have since read that the peppermint shrimp like to be social with others but I'm not sure if my tank is to small. I don't want to overcrowd. I'm planning on adding a lemonpeel angel in a few weeks. The tank is 4 weeks old.


Active Member
a great cleaner is the banded serpent starfish along with other brittle stars they actually eat fish poop. and look cool just be wary of the green brittle star as it sometimes eats sleeping or unwary fish. but the other brittles are awesome detritivores.cleaner clams are ok for shifting and sifting sand too. I also reccomend red spaggeti worms. they are kind of pricy but they will multiply and they consume uneaten food. I got some accidentaly and now I sell them because they multiply so well. illanassus snails are good sand shifters as well as nassarius illanassus like cooler temperatures nassarius warmer they both do the same things so keep that in mind when choosing. narite snails are good algae eaters and stay small. so they wont bulldoze small frags. limpets are insane at eating algae but may consume coraline too. good luck with your tank.