cleaner fish/algae eater take 2


New Member
We have a 55 gal tank with 1box, 1 puffer, 1black angle, 1squirrel eye & 3 domino damsels. No live rock and the bottom is crushed shells. We tend to get brown algae on the booton and sides of the tank. knowing all this is there a aglae eater/ cleaner fish we can add to the tank? Thanks


Active Member
for the sand...Fighting conch or erith and naussarius snails
for the glass turbos all the way...or jjust alot of astreas.


Well-Known Member
Anytime you have nitrates or phosphate plus carbon dioxide and light, you will have plant life. Any cleaner crew eating the algae will increase the nitrates and phosphates. With desirable plant life you can starve the undesirable for nutrients. So my recommendation is to add plant life.


Active Member
The brown algae may actually not be algae at all, but diatoms.
Keeping a cleanup crew is going to be tough there. I believe Puffers eat snails and chomp on their shells, don't they? Sand shifting snails such as Nassarious or Conch's may be OK, as they bury themselves, but I'm not sure...
I agree with Buzz,
As long as you have the puffer, I think any cleaner crew of snails or inverts you put in will become an all he can eat buffet.
Maybe you could set up a fuge with some macro algae and starve the tank algae out.
If I am wrong, someone please correct me. (still learning)