Cleaner Gobies- Please help!


Active Member
One ?- Are Neon Gobies the only fish that really "clean parasites off of fish" ?
If not, Please list fish that will clean ich and parasites off of fish, the same way neon cleaner gobies would. Thanks!


I know that Cleaner Shrimp clean parasites off of fish. Mine does it every day. I have no idea about Ich. I have never had it in my tank.


Active Member
Someone please correct me if I am wrong here. I was also told that some wrasses do clean fish too, which ones I don't know.
As mentioned the cleaner shrimp is a great addition for this sort of thing, once the fish get use to the shrimp they will set up a cleaning station there.
But, what is causing the ich in your tank to begin with?
What size of tank, types of fish do you currently have?


Its called a cleaner wrasse-but looks just like a blennie that bite fish, so you have to be careful. It is also a small blue fish, larger than the neon gobies, with an elongated body. they have a funny swimming motion in the tank which is supposed to attract or let the other fish know it is a cleaner. you can purchase them on line-have only seen them once in a fish store.


Active Member
"Someone please correct me if I am wrong here. I was also told that some wrasses do clean fish too, which ones I don't know." There are many types of cleaner wrasses but they are very difficult to keep in captivity. The best suited cleaner wrasse for captivity is deffinately the bluestreak cleaner wrasse. However, even this wrasse can be difficult to keep and will need to be fed three times a day.