Cleaner & Peppermint?


Can I have a pair of cleaners and my peppermints with no problem? What about the pistol shrimp as well is it who hangs with the goby? Even though there ugly I still think there cute in there own way and like them!

luca brasi

I would think you'd be fine.
I have a red cleaner, pistol, and 4 peps in my 55.

Cleaner and pistol about a year. Peps maybe 3-4 months.


Active Member
This is what I have:
75g reef: 2 Skunk's, 1 Fire and 2 or 3 Peppermints
150g reef: 2 Skunk's, 1 Fire and 7 Peppermints
No problems at all and in both cases the Peppermints were added last.
Forgot.. I also have 2 Sexy Shrimp in the 75.


I have a 65g with 1 peppermint and 1 skunk. For some reason they both like the same piece of live rock and the skunk will sometimes chase the peppermint away.