Cleaner Shrimp Acting Funny


I purchased a cleaner shrimp last week. Until this morning he was zooming all around the tank and appeared to be healthy. He even molted two days ago. This morning I noticed that he is just sitting at the bottom of the aquarium, almost motionless. His little "gills" are going, but for the most part he is just sitting their looking sick. Is this something I should be worried about? :notsure:
I really like this little guy and would hate to lose him. Any suggestions? :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReeFreak
I purchased a cleaner shrimp last week. Until this morning he was zooming all around the tank and appeared to be healthy. He even molted two days ago. This morning I noticed that he is just sitting at the bottom of the aquarium, almost motionless. His little "gills" are going, but for the most part he is just sitting their looking sick. Is this something I should be worried about? :notsure:
I really like this little guy and would hate to lose him. Any suggestions? :help:
generally with mine, the day after he molts he tends to not move around alot and will not except food from my hand or even come near me. Otherwise he's zooming around the tank.


Originally Posted by ReeFreak
What exactly do you hand feed them? :notsure:
Mine takes anything out of my hand. Frozen prime reef is one of his faves. Even if I don't have any food in my hand, he still hops on to see if I have anything for him. Good luck with your little guy...I hope he's ok!


my cleaner, whiskers, definitely zooms around my (& parents lol) tank & is the main thing my friends love to watch (instead of the pretty fish
). when he molts he does sit in the back of the tank for a day or two, so i would just keep an eye on him. he should be back to zooming in a little bit


Okay, I'll give him some slack. I sure like the little guy and my 3 year old daughter loves him. Thanks for the comments.


It is my sad duty to report that he didn't make it through the night.
I'm not quite sure what caused this but I'm determined to make it work. I'll go see the LFS guy and see if I can do anything different.

A photo from his younger days.

payton 350

are you sure it was actually him and not a molt....i once had a molt and thought my pep shrimp was a goner ....didn't see him for two months and then HELLO he popped out of a cave and was bigger than ever.