Cleaner shrimp ate the other Cleaner???


When I got home tonight, I found that one of my cleaner shrimp had the other one half eaten and is continuing to devour him. I haven't look at them since last night but everything was fine then. I do have red legged hermit crabs and don't know if they had anything to do with it. All I can tell is that one of them shed his skin since last night and who know's what exactly happened from there.
Do cleaner shrimp fight to the death?
I was thinking maybe a crab got hold of him but the shrimp should be quick to get away unless it was a severe blow. I don't know.


Highly unlikely on killed the other. Just a hunch, but if one of them just shed, could the other cleaner be munching on the skin, while the one that shed is in hiding (which would make sense since they often like to hideout after they molt). Just a WAG...


Active Member
Dominican has a very good point, but shrimps can die due to molting it can be very stressful for them, and if they die then they're fair game for anyone in your tank


He's definitely gone and he was definitely being devoured. Thanks for your input! Anyone else have this happen.