Cleaner shrimp behavior


Just so I am sure of what my shrimp should or should not be doing.
Is it normal for them to "seek out" fish? Or should the fish go to them? My shrimp actively pursued my clownfish, the clownfish looked startled and would wiggle away quickly.
Sometimes the shrimp would follow them around the tank.

bang guy

Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp are the most likely Cleaners to do that. Unfortunately Clownfish don't like to be cleaned.


my larger clown will occasionly let the scarlet cleaner clean it for a short time, but very rarely. the shrimp often seeks the fish but the two clowns often swim away.


One of my clownfish loved tp be cleaned by the cleaner shrimp! At least once a day, she backs up to the shrimp and waits for the shrimp to find her. She may jump away every now and then but goes right back to the cleaning.


As far as I've seen, my clown just likes to tease my cleaner shrimp. He will back up to him fanning the shrimps whiskers, get him all excited... and when the shrimp goes to start cleanin, the clown shoots away. Its pretty funny to watch.


Active Member
LOL my cleaner is the opposite the lil jerk wont clean anyone. The tang will back up in front of him, he looks, then goes back to the rocks hanging out. But he sure doesnt mind pushing them out of the way for brine shrimp dinner, isnt that like canabalisim?


Heh yeah, I was thinkin the same thing when my guy becomes the little piggy and tries to steal all the brine shrimp from the others in the tank. THEY ARE YOUR LITTLE COUSINS! :eek:
You'd think I was starvin the little bugger by how much food he tries to stuff in his face.