cleaner shrimp compatibilit6y


will 2 clownfish a triggerfish a dogface puffer and a 3-4 damsels will get along with a 1-2 cleaner shrimps


Active Member
What kind of trigger are you talking about?
Nine times out of ten, the answer will be no. The puffer and trigger both have a tendency to attack and eat inverts such as shrimp, snails, and hermit crabs.
Back when I had my puffer, he ate every invert that I put into the tank - whether it be starfish, shrimp, snails, etc.


it is a niger trigger and my puffer didn't attack any of my crabs and my niger didn't either will a couple damsels and a gobie get aloung with those fish


Active Member
The damsels will be fine but I would never recommend adding them to an aquarium. They are way too aggressive for my liking; plus they are impossible to get out.
The goby would be a bad choice. They are much too passive and peaceful.