Cleaner Shrimp Dead....



I got home from a friends this morning to find my cleaner shrimp dead laying on the sand. I immiditaly checked the water and the nitrites were at .4 I did a 2 gallon water change and there hopefully lowered. My fish, hermit crab, sexy shrimp, and snails seem to be doing fine. I don't have any idea why he died because he was doing fine last night. Any ideas?


Active Member
Cleaneer shrimp are sensitive to small changes in water quality. Im guessing something spiked last night...maybe a temp or nitrate spike. Sorry about the loss and i hope you get to the bottom of this.


Active Member
are you sure it wasn't just his exo skeleton from when he molted?
My cleaner shrimp went through an ammonia spike that killed everything in the tank, and then went through another cycle. Mine will molt and be MIA for a few days before I see him again.


I am sure it wasn't his molt, but I think it might have been because of high nitrates. I did feed somewhat alot and I am guessing it was that. I guess I will just end up feeding once a day from now on. Thnx for your imput.


It was very new. I got it last Wednesday. I'm not sure how old it was but it was a small one. I don't see what could have caused the nitrites unless one of my naussauris snails has died. Everything else is doing pretty good. Can over-feeding cause nitrItes?


Active Member
Maybe a strange question, but would a conch eat a shrimp?
I noticed that half of my shrimp was submerged in sand in the same spot that my large fighting conch (about an inch long) was seen a little earlier in the day...
That was about a month ago, and since I have no fish in this particular tank I decided not to replace the shrimp.


Active Member
Perhaps my LFS sold me one that can and told me that it was a fighting conch? The thing did grow almost an inch in only a couple of months...

bang guy

Sounds more like a Queen.... they can't eat Peppermints either.
A Horse Conch would have a red foot... does yours?


Active Member
It's more brown than red, but definitely darker than my other conch that I *know* is a fighting conch (I ordered him from this website).


New Member

Originally posted by YAE4Volcom
I got home from a friends this morning to find my cleaner shrimp dead laying on the sand. I immiditaly checked the water and the nitrites were at .4 I did a 2 gallon water change and there hopefully lowered. My fish, hermit crab, sexy shrimp, and snails seem to be doing fine. I don't have any idea why he died because he was doing fine last night. Any ideas?

Man... i feel your pain... my cleaner shrimp (1.5 weeks old) was all fine and dandy for the past few days...then this morning... he was bottoms up in the tank :( i dunno what caused it?? i checked the water and everything looks good?? i just lost a mandarin goby like 2 days ago too :( and i know its not because of lack of food because my tank is swarming with pods :confused: someone told me that they let off highly toxic secretions when they die? but i don't know if thats true... also... my anenome's and peppermint shrimp are all okay??? any suggestions?