Cleaner Shrimp Eat Corals?


Will a cleaner shrimp eat corals bellys or centers? I was told by and un-relable source that they did. But I dont really belive him, what do you guys have to say?


Active Member
No, they will not. If anything they will pick the bugs and parasites off of them. They are a great thing in a reef tank.


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp will in no way hurt your corals they are actually a great thing for any saltwater tank because they eat parasites off of corals and fish.


depends on the shrimp. i have 2 now no probs .i usually have 1-2 at all times. But i did have one before an had to catch it. it would dig into MY lsp, it would eat my reg legged hermits. Never the blue only the $$ expensive ones.It eat my stomellia(sp) snails I feed 2-3x daily also. They sometimes go affter acclimating clams = they may like the slime. So my point is anything with a claw that is used to shread meat you must alawys pay attention to it. But i would still concider them 95% reefsafe if they are well feed.


i had a pair of banded corals go psycho once. they just ran around the tank attacking everything. :( that was a few years ago. My sencond pair that i still now have just han g out and look cool. they eat the brine and just chill for the most part.
Never had a problme with skunks


LionFish says.......
Well, I hate to burst some people's bubbles here but you can bet that a scarlet cleaner will rip up corals that feed. Now, I say this only as a precaution to keep them well fed. They are very good reef inhabitants, however, but if they are not properly fed they will tear open a few corals to get food. I have seen this done with my scarlet cleaner. I don't usually feed him but I do regularly feed my yellow polyps. I noticed that a couple had been torn open and the belly of the coral had been torn and food had been ripped out. I soon discovered the shrimp was the culprit. Not all shrimp will do this but you have to keep them fed. It was my fault in the first place that it happened. It is not common so no worries but don't don't think it can't happen. I have so far kept him fed with a pice of frozen shrimp every 3 to 5 days and he hasn't touched the polyps since. Just a warning. But other shrimp are exceptions. Stay away from Peppermint shrimp. After they're done with aptasia they moved on to my polyps and then decided to tear apart me $75 bubble coral. Needless to say, they met my lionfish.


thanks for the info onthe pep shrimp. I just like the way they dance :) I guess when they start to cause problems they can meet my lion as well