cleaner shrimp & emerald crab


Active Member
Anyone know if these two get along well together ?
55 gallon, 4 damsels, maroon clown, percula clown, and 2 pepperment shrimp
Went on vacation, came back and cleaner shrimp is gone ~ not a trace of him anywhere. Person that was looking after the tank was just topping off water and normal feedings, didn't notice any livestock missing. Was wondering if crab made a meal of my shrimp ???
I don't really know about crabs, I don't have any, but I was actually wondering if your two clowns (percula/maroon) got along nicely? I really like both, but everyone has told me they never work out. I would love to know how you did!


Active Member
Yes Megan, they get along fine. I've heard the same thing, but for some reason they just keep to their own ends of the tank and don't bother each other at all.