Cleaner Shrimp Gone... Sad Times...


I had 2 cleaner shrimp and now one has completely dissapeared 100%. I think the rock anemone I have ate it for trying to steal its food out its mouth. ok this bites cause they were a mating pair that gave birth every 20 days or so. I wanted to raise the young but now im down to one...
Should I get another cleaner??? Will they get along ok??? Will they mate??? What should I do???

bang guy

Just make sure it's about the same size so that the smaller one doesn't get eaten. They will get along fine and mate. They should be mating about every 28 days though, not 20.
What species of Cleaner shrimp is this? The Peppermint is the easiest to raise from larvae. The Scarlet and Fire Cleaners are very difficult.