Cleaner shrimp had babies


Hey guys,
My cleaner shrimp has been laying eggs for a while now but they always get eaten by my fish (I think). However last night I found about 12 baby shrimp alive in my filter. They are separated from the rest of my fish. What do I feed them and do you guys have any tips on raising them?


Well aren't you lucky lol... Looks like you're about to make some money ;)
Oh, and I don't have an answer to your questions.


well but some brine in there i bet thats what they would eat in the wild and some algea and congrats


My cleaners have had babies many times. I have never been able to raise them. I think you need to feed them fresh brine shrimp everyday. I will watch this post and see.


How many adult cleaners do you have? I think this is awesome! Good luck with keeping them! Do you have pictures?


congrats!!! how large of a tank did they breed in? try brine shrimp or maybe even that marine snow stuff... thats what i feed to my corals, its possibe that they might eat that.

coral keeper

Active Member
Congrats!! How do you tell if a cleaner shrimp is a male or a female? Do you need to buy a mated pair or a sexed pair?


Funny thing is I have a skunk cleaner and a red or blood shrimp. My tank is a 33 gallon long. I have about 50 lbs of live rock and 25 pounds of live sand. The cleaner has had eggs several times but I never found babies until now. they are so small that they about the size of brine shrimp themselves. I have cylopeze, will they eat that?


fed them cyclopeze and they seemed to go for it. they dont swim around much though, they seem to lay on the bottom or hide between the frame and net of the breeding net they are in. I put a small piece of LR in there thinking that they may cling to it for protection. If anyone has any other tips for me they would be greatly appreciated.