Cleaner Shrimp Hiding

michael r

I've had my cleaner shrimp for about 5 months now and for about the past two weeks he's become very reclusive and is always in hiding. I can see him, but he isn't out and about and is at the back of the tank.
He used to be very active and outgoing and used to clean my hand but now he won't even do that!
Two weeks ago I added a Solar Fairy Wrasse and this was about the same time he started being secretive.
I haven't seen the Wrasse bother him, and he's undamaged, and their hidey-holes are pretty close together. I doubt the Wrasse is bothering him.
Any ideas as to why he's acting this way and how I can bring him out/ make him feel better?


Well-Known Member
I don't think that should really be a problem. In some tanks, you can add two cleaner shrimp and they will both come out and compete for food and attention.