Cleaner Shrimp - How Easy Are They to Keep


lucas alderson

How hardy are these things? What do they eat? How hard are they to keep? I plan on getting one for my 29 Gallon tank. :confused:


New Member
Mine has been real easy and they good for
keeping parasites off your other fish. Mine
likes to eat brine shrimp and flake food.

kris walker

Active Member
They eat almost anything. Although, I have not seen mine ever eat algae. They are also very easy to keep, and in fact, they often breed in captivity.


we bought 1 for out tangs 3 weeks ago...they & rest of tank inhabitants have been very happy since; it has since molted 2 times, so must be doing well; as w/ most inverts, should have enough bio organic iodine suplemented preferably for it to grow better; they breed sometimes, but spawn have yet to remain alive


Active Member
Cleaner Shrimp eat everything parasites and little bugs in your tank.. most of the time the set up a "cleaning station" for your fish to swim through for a good scrubbing. They are Neat to watch and are very hardy animals. :p


New Member
they are simple to keep just dose with iodide so they can molt or do regular water changes. i have a pair that have been in one of my tank for about 2 and half or three year. they will eat just about anything