Cleaner shrimp in an aggressive tank



Has anybody here been able to keep a Cleaner shrimp in an aggressive tank? I have a LFS store that hooks me up and offered them to me for $5! I have a Clown, Humma, and Niger Trigger, Pork puffer, Blue Angel, Sohl Tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by killrbee3636
Has anybody here been able to keep a Cleaner shrimp in an aggressive tank? I have a LFS store that hooks me up and offered them to me for $5! I have a Clown, Humma, and Niger Trigger, Pork puffer, Blue Angel, Sohl Tang.
When you ask the question like this; you're certain to find someone who has done it (at least short term). Somewhere, someone has done about everything in this hobby---but that doesn't make it a good idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
is this a joke?
That is my 1st thought too.
When you ask the question like this; you're certain to find someone who has done it (at least short term). Somewhere, someone has done about everything in this hobby---but that doesn't make it a good idea. BTW, I read your profile that said you have a volitan in with a bunch of aggressive triggers; was he shredded? BTW, if your lfs gave you the lion/trigger advice and now this gem; I'd sure find a new source asap.


I've had cleaner shrimp in my agressive tank for a year without any problems. It's my belief that most fish recognize cleaner shrimp as beneficial and don't eat them, as long as the shrimp are intruduced properly. Meaning either introduce them first or put them in at night when all fish are asleep. The fact that cleaners can't be kept in an agressive tank is just a "norm" that people say. But I've seen numerous cases where cleaners are kept with wrasses, puffers, triggers and even groupers.
Has anyone here tried to keep cleaners with agressive fish and they got eaten?


Here are my 3 cleaner shrimp. 1 I've have for over a year, the other 2 for about 6 months.


Active Member
My Blue Spot took out a smaller golden CBS, ripped him to shreds. I added a larger regular CBS, who the puffer ripped an arm. He got away and hid, but probably just riding on borrowed time... Not sure if we can equate a Coral Banded Shrimp to a Skunk Cleaner though?



They're not the same thing. CBS are not beneficial to fish so they have no problems eating them. Like I added some peppermint shrimp and they got eaten by my fuzzy dwarf. That's normal. But add a cleaner shrimp and I bet you it'll be left alone, as long as you add it at night.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
That is my 1st thought too.
When you ask the question like this; you're certain to find someone who has done it (at least short term). Somewhere, someone has done about everything in this hobby---but that doesn't make it a good idea. BTW, I read your profile that said you have a volitan in with a bunch of aggressive triggers; was he shredded? BTW, if your lfs gave you the lion/trigger advice and now this gem; I'd sure find a new source asap.
+ a bunch


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I've had cleaner shrimp in my agressive tank for a year without any problems. It's my belief that most fish recognize cleaner shrimp as beneficial and don't eat them, as long as the shrimp are intruduced properly. Meaning either introduce them first or put them in at night when all fish are asleep. The fact that cleaners can't be kept in an agressive tank is just a "norm" that people say. But I've seen numerous cases where cleaners are kept with wrasses, puffers, triggers and even groupers.
Has anyone here tried to keep cleaners with agressive fish and they got eaten?
I've tried this a couple, of times, no luck. (one was a beautiful Pederson C.S.) It makes sense that fish would recognize the beneficial cleaner shrimp and I'm sure it often works. However (IMO); when we take fish off the reef and train them to eat all sorts of stuff that they have never seen before; I think much of their normal feeding behavior goes out the window.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I've tried this a couple, of times, no luck. (one was a beautiful Pederson C.S.) It makes sense that fish would recognize the beneficial cleaner shrimp and I'm sure it often works. However (IMO); when we take fish off the reef and train them to eat all sorts of stuff that they have never seen before; I think much of their normal feeding behavior goes out the window.
So you have to have the fish recognize the shrimp as not food, and also as beneficial.
So that's 6 fish, each which have to have two proper behaviors, so that's 12 things that have to go right. Doesn't sound like great odds.
However, for $5, its almost worth a shot.


Hey keeper not such a dumb question now is it? The Lion's no longer in the tank. if he was still in there i wouldn't have even ask the question. I have to update my profile. Sorry about that. My friend is keeping 3 in his tank with the same fish i have. just wanted to see if there was anybody else. Thanks for the answers.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I've tried this a couple, of times, no luck. (one was a beautiful Pederson C.S.) It makes sense that fish would recognize the beneficial cleaner shrimp and I'm sure it often works. However (IMO); when we take fish off the reef and train them to eat all sorts of stuff that they have never seen before; I think much of their normal feeding behavior goes out the window.
What fish ate your cleaner shrimp?

crypt keeper

Active Member
I never said it was a dumb question. I asked if it was a joke so take it easy. Also 1 person in this entire thread said it could be done/had luck with it. I have the same triggers as you do and a blue spotted puffer. So I did what you asked after i read about what R.C had posted. I went and bought two cleaner shrimp to test it out. Im out $17.53. R.C you owe me hahahahah. Teasing!
My humu humu went after one with my blue spotted and my niger went after the other. They hit the bottom half eatin.
Both fish had eatin earlier in the day as well.


But you didn't do what I suggested. If you put them in and your fish ate them, that's absolutely normal. Fish are used to you putting stuff in the tank to be food for them. So when you put in the shrimp, they thought you were feeding them. Perfectly normal. Heck, my lion completely swallowed a small coral I dropped in the tank. Why? Because he was used to me dropping in food. What I said was to put in the shrimp late at night when your fish are asleep and triggers, once they're asleep, they won't wake up until the lights come on.

crypt keeper

Active Member
alright. I will do it again this weekend. I have 3 triggers and puffer. I will buy two more. My LFS closes at 9. I will turn out the lights at 8 30. Be home by 9 15. I will acclimate and then put them in. I will let you know come sunday what happens. I need a new camera. I don't see a very shrimp safe turn out. If they get eatin oh well. It was cool as hell to watch them go insane as they fell earlier.


I've had triggers with my cleaner: humu, niger and sargasum. None of them touched the shrimp. I have a dogface puffer as well. Just make sure to add the shrimp when the fish are asleep so they don't confuse them with food being dropped in the tank.


I had a Harlequin Tusk with my cleaner but not for a very long time. My tusk wasn't able to get along with my triggers at meal time so I had to give him away. He was only in the tank with the shrimp for about a month, so that's not long enough to say for sure he wouldn't have eaten the cleaner sooner or later. The tusk did eat both my emerald crabs in that time.