Cleaner shrimp in an aggressive tank


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
alright. I will do it again this weekend. I have 3 triggers and puffer. I will buy two more. My LFS closes at 9. I will turn out the lights at 8 30. Be home by 9 15. I will acclimate and then put them in. I will let you know come sunday what happens. I need a new camera. I don't see a very shrimp safe turn out. If they get eatin oh well. It was cool as hell to watch them go insane as they fell earlier.
Please update us on the results.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I will. I dropped my camera in my tank the other day and its ruined. It was a few bucks. I will try and get a friends.

small triggers

Active Member
If i were your friend i wouldnt lend you my camera (unless it was waterproof) Which by the way there is a new great waterproof digital out by Olympus,,,, good luck with the shrimp that is

small triggers

Active Member
yep,, but hey ive never hurt anyone else,, well except when i was moving my tank from my apt to my new house,,, I grabbed a piece of LR and the piece below loosened too and landed on my eight line wrasse
he died that afternoon. But hey did any one of your other friends ( you know the ones you DIDNT tell that you dropped your camera in water) let you borrow a camera?

crypt keeper

Active Member
I havent asked yet. Im having people over for the superbowl. Im sure one will bring their camera. I will snap some shots. I added new corals to my Nano I want to show off. My frogspawn is getting huge. I just re did everything in my 90. Looks better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Tonight is the night! Let all know what happens. R.C get ready to pay up sucka! hahahahaha
This is better than the Super Bowl; with all its celebrity hype and 10 hours or pre-game chatter, the SB doesn't seem like real football anyhow. Do you know of a bookie who has a line out on the Cleaner Shrimp vs Fish Bowl? If so, better PM me, I don't think Knee-Caps Blackie wants his name all over this forum.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
This is better than the Super Bowl; with all its celebrity hype and 10 hours or pre-game chatter, the SB doesn't seem like real football anyhow. Do you know of a bookie who has a line out on the Cleaner Shrimp vs Fish Bowl? If so, better PM me, I don't think Knee-Caps Blackie wants his name all over this forum.

Hopefully Im not out $40 for the week. I have a camera phone. We all know how those are but its better than nothing. I also added a 13 pounds piece of live rock and about 7 more pounds of seperate pieces. My buddy backed out of my eel deal. I set the eel up with a pvc pipe and put the small pieces on top. My eel is tiny. I plan on buying two good sized cleaner shrimp.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Okay. Little upset. I went to my normal LFS. Sold out of Cleaner shrimp. Went to another 2 for $45.00 I will wait till I only have to spend $20 again. Sorry everybody Im not spending $50 on a science project. They are going to call me when they get more shrimp in.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Okay. Little upset. I went to my normal LFS. Sold out of Cleaner shrimp. Went to another 2 for $45.00 I will wait till I only have to spend $20 again. Sorry everybody Im not spending $50 on a science project. They are going to call me when they get more shrimp in.
Can't blame you... I wouldn't spend that much just for an experiment either.

small triggers

Active Member
we dont have carrabba's here on the west coast (not that i went there much when i live in FL) BUT YUMMMMM I love me some sushi,,, except snapper for some odd reason i am allergic that happened AFTER i got one for my tank before i got had to get rid of it since it was outgrowing my triggers,


Originally Posted by killrbee3636
Has anybody here been able to keep a Cleaner shrimp in an aggressive tank? I have a LFS store that hooks me up and offered them to me for $5! I have a Clown, Humma, and Niger Trigger, Pork puffer, Blue Angel, Sohl Tang.
no do not even try it i own a fish tank with a pork puffer a 10 inch volitan lionfish a panther grouper and i lost 60 dollars worth of cleaner shrimp i house very agressive in my tank trust me do not put it in there


Originally Posted by srfisher17
That is my 1st thought too.
When you ask the question like this; you're certain to find someone who has done it (at least short term). Somewhere, someone has done about everything in this hobby---but that doesn't make it a good idea. BTW, I read your profile that said you have a volitan in with a bunch of aggressive triggers; was he shredded? BTW, if your lfs gave you the lion/trigger advice and now this gem; I'd sure find a new source asap.
i figure i have done it all yes i have a very large volitan and a bunch of agressive fish i dont plan on having a new source i have a extremely wide variety of fish i dont seem to have much trouble with fighting within the tank