Which kind of cleaner do you have? I'm having trouble tracking down the pacific look alike, but some quotes on other mixups:
Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp:
Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes 1850), Peppermint Shrimp, Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp.... A reclusive, sometimes misidentified species (there are other shrimp from the area that are similar)...
Camelback Shrimp are primarily red, with white dots and short striped markings covering the body. Their backs are humped up, hence the name Camelback. Often misidentified or misrepresented and sold as the Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)
China Sea mixup:
Cleaner shrimp - Periclimenes sarasvati
This species has often been misidentified with Periclimenes tosaensis, a species collected in the South China Sea at 80-90 m depth. Only recently it has been named P. sarasvati.
It's too late for a complete research project, but I do recall that there is a similar problem with the most common tropical pacific cleaner shrimp.